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Rural Animal Shelter Tour is Did Amazing Things in September

Rural Animal Shelter Tour Did Amazing Things in September

In September, Scott toured and promoted four (4) animal shelters, all doing fantastic work. And guess what, as always, the Mission Driven community stepped up and once again showed their generosity. Over $15,000 was raised during September, and it all went directly to the shelters it was donated for.
on October 05, 2021
7 Fall Dangers for Dogs You Might Not Know

7 Fall Dangers For Dogs You Might Not Know

Cooler weather brings out all our fall favorites, but it also carries some dangers for our furry best friends. So help keep your dog healthy and safe this fall by being aware of some risks the cooler weather brings.
on September 21, 2021
Scott Poore Hit the Road in August to Visit Rural Animal Shelters

Scott Poore Hit the Road in August to Visit Rural Animal Shelters

"Mission Driven Goes Rural Tour" is impacting rural animal shelters all over the Midwest. Scott visits the shelters for 1 day to help promote their work, raise much-needed resources, and promote their longest-term shelter dog to a wider audience. Find out all the great things that happened in August. 
on September 08, 2021
Mission Driven Goes Rural July Tour Recap

Mission Driven Goes Rural July Tour Recap

Mission Driven Goes Rural Tour is more than just visiting small animal shelters in towns. Scott helps these animal shelters promote their work, raise much-needed resources, and showcase their longest-term shelter dog to a wider audience to promote pet adoption.
on August 04, 2021
Is It Really Too Hot Outside to Leave My Dog in the Car? _ Blog_ Mission Driven Goods

Is It Really Too Hot Outside to Leave My Dog in the Car?

How hot is too hot to leave your dog in the car? Can you run into the store for 15 minutes and leave your dog safely in the car? Read more and watch Scott's video of what it's like to sit in a car on a hot summer day!
on July 14, 2021
10 Ways To Keep Your Dog Cool & Hydrated This Summer

10 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool & Hydrated This Summer

Summer is upon us, and everyone is spending as much time outside as possible. Unfortunately, while parts of the country have beautiful weather, other areas are experiencing high temperatures and lots of humidity. And just like you need to stay cool and hydrated, it's just as important to monitor your dog's coolness and hydration! 
on June 22, 2021
Rescue Dog Canelo Experiences New Things After Living on a Chain

Rescue Dog Carmelo Experiences New Things After Living on a Chain

Meet Canelo, now known as Carmelo. He's a beautiful seven-year-old Akita Mix that spent his entire life on a chain. And now Mission Driven is here to find him a forever home. Read more on Carmelo and his first experiences since being rescued.
on June 02, 2021
$5000 Raised for Operation Wildlife

$5000 Raised for Operation Wildlife

At the heart of Mission Driven is Scott's animal rescue work. No matter if it's homeless pets or wild animals, Scott Poore is here to help all animal rescue organizations get the resources and equipment they need to thrive. Check out the latest fundraising campaign.

on May 11, 2021
6 Amazing Facts That Prove Life is Better with a Dog

6 Amazing Facts That Prove Life is Better with a Dog

Life is better with a dog and every dog owner would tell you this is true. Dogs make life better through their love, loyalty, and sneaky way of keeping us healthy. Read more about the six amazing facts that life is better with a dog.
on April 14, 2021